Border fortifications of Lower Miño
The general purpose of the Plan was the set of fortifications located on both banks of the Miño River along the Galician border between Spain and Portugal. It was basically a homogeneous set of fortifications built in the middle years of the seventeenth century. In total, the set is formed of seven fortified cities (Tuy, Salvatierra, Caminha, Valenca, Monçao and Melgaço, fortified in the modern way and Guarda and Vilanova, which only preserved medieval remains), 13 bastioned fortifications (Santa Cruz, Concepcion, San Lorenzo , as Chagas, Medes, Amorin, San Pablo de Porto and Santiago de Aytona in Spain; Insua, Lovelhe, San Luis Gonzaga and Granda in Portugal), and some watchtowers, medieval towers and trenches fields associated to the border system. The more newfangled part of the work, which plans actions for these all fortified cities and fortresses isolated, has consisted on the location and recognition of a set of large fortifications, many of them executed on the ground and hidden in the deepness of the forest, built during XVIIc. and XVIIIc. The historical Planimetry combined with GPS technology has finally allowed a support GIS to be useful for making "visible" these fortifications in territorial planning and allow safekeeping.
Location: Navigable stretch of the river Miño
Promoter: Xunta de Galicia
Prime contractor: INZAMAC
Year of implementation: 2001-2003
Team: Writers and directors F. Cobos, J. Garrido y A. Hoyuela. Area coordinators A. Varela, R. Blanco, F. Criado and F. Gómez
> THS Castros and enclosures in the border of León in the XII c. and XIII c.
> Bastioned fortifications on the border between Castilla and Portugal
> Border fortifications of Lower Miño